Some of you know this and some of you don't, but Nolan was born with a hidden "we we." I say "we we" because I don't like the "P" word:) Anyway, it's something Brandon and I had kind-of forgotten about b/c it's not completely hidden. Our AWESOME pediatrician set us up with an AWESOME pediatric urologist. We met with him on Monday and he laid all our fears to rest. Basically it's a totally common thing. He said that he does 200 of these surgeries a year. I asked what causes it and he said, "The same thing that makes me 6' 1", it's just how Brandon and my genes came together. I felt so much better about that, b/c honestly, I thought it was something I may have done (or not done) during pregnancy. Brandon said that was dumb. Anyway, he said we would never even know that he had the surgery when he's older. It will be fully functional (wink wink) and it will look totally normal (a huge sigh from his momma). Along with pulling the rest of "it" down, he will also be
circumcised at this time. The surgery is scheduled for December 16
th (
Adie's birthday). I can't even tell you how very thankful we are for the good news and for the wonderful doctors we've been put in contact with. We would appreciate your continued prayers for Brandon and I, because even though this surgery is simple and common, we don't like the thought of one of our kids having surgery. Thanks! Megan:) GOD IS GOOD!...ALL THE TIME!