Nolan began having "poopies"last night, and has had 5 or 6 since...which is very good. He woke this morning and took a few bites of rice cereal and continues to drink consistently. He is still very swollen, but it looks as though that has peaked. We're hoping to see the swelling to go down in the next day enough that he can open his eyes. Brandon held him some this morning and he began to show some of his personality with his da dad's and more talking...also banging some toys together and attempting to clap. All of this we are so thankful.
Brandon and I both were able to sleep (I use this term loosely) in his room last night, and we were able to be around to soothe him and love on him during his times of restlessness.

Neuro surgery came in this morning and they were very pleased with the drinking and pooping and they now say we just wait on the swelling to go down. They removed his bandaging and I'm amazed at what he's endured. What a tough little boy.

Praying that the swelling will go down quickly & you will soon see those beautiful eyes, focused on you! Much love & prayers,
precious baby, precious parents!! Glad to hear such positive news!!! Never thought you would be so happy so see poop!!! :-) Praise the Lord!!! He looks beautiful!
He looks GREAT. What a trooper! You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
So happy to hear about his progress! May God continue to do a work in him!!
Oh Megan, we are so thankful of Nolan's progress. You are Brandon are so strong. God will continue to heal Nolan and watch over him.
It makes me want to pick him up and cuddle him and love on him. He looks a lot like Blake with those swollen cheeks! I don't mean that in a bad way he just reminded me of Blake laying there. What a miracle! I pray that God will continue to lay His healing hands upon him! I can come down and be with him if you and Brandon need to go rest but I'm sure there are plently of closer relatives who want to do that. Just let me know if there's anything I can do!! Love Aunt Diane
poor baby!
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