Monday, September 14, 2009

We're going home...

Brandon prayed over Nolan this morning, just asking Him to please open Nolan's other eye so that we could go home and be a family again. God answered that prayer and Nolan and I are waiting for daddy to go get the truck. He's sleeping right now in a little red wagon...what a sweetie. Thankful for answered prayers...


Laura said...


Cindy Gangwer said...

Brandon & Megan - We've been keeping up with what's happening through Joel & Cara. God is faithful and merciful, even when He doesn't answer our "whys".

Ned & Cindy

Diana Lower said...

Yay! I'm so happy for all of you! I'm sure the girls are missing their Mommy and Daddy and baby brother! But most of all I'm so happy for Nolan as this must mean he is healing well!!! YAYYYY!!! Thank you Lord!!!

Hunts said...

Praise the Lord! What a sweet boy! So glad you guys get to go home and be a family again, I'm sure the girls are excited as well. We'll be praying still, for continued healing for Nolan and good rest for you all and understanding for the girls as it will probably be hard to keep their hands off him and to not be able to kiss his head, at least the top of it! Let me know how things go with the girls and if I can have them sometime.

Family Focus said...

Dittmar's are praising God that you are able bring Nolan home. How special for all to be together again. Asking for God's healing hand to be on Nolan.

Wani said...

SO glad to hear you guys are back home again!

Melissa said...

Praise God that you can go home. You are such troopers. Thankful for God's protection on little Nolan.